Cherry Blossom and Branches on Blue
Cherry blossoms with a blue background
Photo ID: faccherryblossomandbranchesblue
Created: March 24, 2022
Author: Rich Nicoloff
Rich Nicoloff d.b.a. Journey Fine Art
Photo size: 44.5 Mpixels (127 MB uncompressed) - 8168x5445 pixels (27.2x18.2 in / 69.2x46.1 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: biophillic, blooms, blossoms, blue, botanical art, cherry, cherry blossoms, close-up, corporate art, flower, flowers, green, healing art, healthcare art, healthcare photography, high resolution, hospitality art, hospitality photography, leaves, macro, macro photography, nature, nature photography, petals, pink, senior living, senior living art, spring